KIMIKO NISHIMOTO: Japan’s absurdist obasan

While most people in their mid 90’s struggle to even log on to social media, KIMIKO NISHIMOTO has mastered it. This Brazilian-born Japanese obasan only picked up photography as a hobby at the ripe old age of 72. Eventually, she began to experiment with the concept of comical, absurdist self portraits and before long she had shot to fame on Instagram with hundreds of thousands of followers.

A resident of Kumamoto, Nishimoto has produced a hilarious portfolio of self portraits that depict her in ridiculous situations and insane outfits. Her photos see her being run over by cars, flying on broomsticks, dressed as various animals and levitating in mid air. It’s not only online that Nishimoto has found an audience however, with exhibitions across Japan and most notably at Naoshima’s Benesse Art Site.

An eccentric woman both online and offline - Nishimoto has lived a fascinating life working as a bicycle racer, stylist and housewife before discovering her artistic calling. She is a whimsical and fun loving character who has dedicated the latter half of her life to exploring a passion that brings joy to countless others.


MONO-HA: the ‘school of things’


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